.true beauty is within

Looking at this specific session makes me think about how interesting and ironic it all was.

I guided a cooperative Art creation at one Beauty Spa in the Orlando area where everyone who walked in was not expecting to become an artist for a day, but only to to externally look better in some way. I just want to make clear that I do value the care we must have with our bodies and appearance, but what is the limit for it? What is more important?

In my opinion, the crazy search to pursue beauty becomes a problem when having a luxury tag attached to an accessory or clothing piece is more important than true character, when fitting the moulds has the power to make someone be accepted for a group or not, when the appearance becomes more valued than true essence everyone carries within.

Everyone who passed by me on that lobby was invited to add their contribution to the canvas that would be finished by me later on.

I know I always say that, but how else could I explain that one more time most of them were very shy and skeptical about giving it a try? Anyways, by applying the right Art Therapy tools and with a lot of encouragement, each one of them added whatever they felt like, in the colors they preferred, using the tolls they wanted to the blank canvas.

After all, I finished it using all their contributions as a map to compose the creation, but the most important message behind this session was not what we could see on the surface of the final product finished by me, but in fact, all the hidden layers of personal feelings, the unique undertones of emotions and almost invisible essence details that each person poured into the canvas contributing for that piece to be a true Art piece.

- Natalia Thomaz



